To my dismay I found out yesterday that my most favorite place to visit has sadly closed down. Why you ask? I am not totally sure myself. As I was browsing through anthropologie's website I stumbled across my most favorite cards of all time. These beautiful block printed cards take me back to the days of my childhood. I was so excited to see that these cards were making their way out into the world. I had to call someone, someone who would appreciate the fact that these cards have found another outlet to be sold. So I called Erika, my dear mother who is the one that introduced me to these treasured cards. I was ecstatic to tell her that Gwen Frostic cards are being sold at Anrthropologie, but for of course 4 times the price. Before I could finish even telling her the wonderful news she throw something back at me that ruined my day. These were her word" Oh, I forgot to tell you that Gwen Frostic closed, we just found out this week" WHAT! I couldn't believe my ears. I Love that place. Apparently the bank had to take the place over because of financial reasons. ( I obviously don't know the whole story)
This quaint little place is magical in northern Michigan. Erika also informed me Chris's favorite place to get Schnitzel and my favorite puff pastries also closed due the same reason/same owner. How can our favorite places that we go to for our get aways Close??? This is just awful!

these are the Gwen Frostic cards Antropologie is selling
Look at these beauties. I love them, Cherish them, am selfish with but like to give them away. When I go to the store I never know which ones to pick as if I am a kid in a candy store. These babies are Eye Candy for me;) It truly saddens me to know I will never be able to buy these cards again at the absolutely coolest place in Michigan.