Thursday, February 4, 2010

Thankful Thursdays

I will be honest earlier today I wasn't feeling very thankful for anything. Sometimes I get in these horrible moods , where everything annoys me. It makes me sad when I feel like that because I have so many thing to be happy for. When I sit down and really think about why I am annoyed, it's so petty. (The house is dusty, I haven't had a moment to myself, I feel like all I do is clean up, I don't feel great because I'm pregnant, Josiah is crabby and he won't let me put him down, I haven't had a moment alone with my husband.) In moments like that I can only pray to our gracious God to give me a better attitude because I can't do it on my own. So saying that, there are plenty of things I am thankful for....

A moment to myself

Nap time

Home projects

Being healthy

Being Pregnant

Being married

Having plenty of food to eat

Having a roof over my head

Having a hard working husband

Having a sweet baby boy

A good friend to talk to on the phone

A shower

A gracious God

A better attitude

Life is NOT about me:)

1 comment:

  1. I think most moms feel like you do at some point during the day/week You are not alone my friend!
